26 min full stage
Miss Carus has added a boy dancer to her act and he also does a stunt with the piano and mandolin she seemed to please and closed to a fair hand.
16 min in 3 spec.
Well known dancers in their familiar skit. Went very well in this spot.
Talking & Dancing. Eccentric dancing in act quit good, the act as a whole a fairly good small time act.
In their dancing golf skit which has been seen here on two previous occasions, but which got over very nicely nerveless. 17 min. full stage, can close in one.
16 min. in 1 ½ Spl. This girl went over very big with her exceptional dancing.
31 min., f.s., and Spl. A good bring dancing Review. Went over very big.
8 min. in 1, spl.. Man and woman in novelty dancing act. Made a nice opener.
(11 mins.) A very nice dancing act by a girl and boy, the former making her changes in view of the audience. They do a fairly good routine of stepping and did very nicely in the opening spot.
19 min in 1 and 3 Spec.
Three boys and three girls in a very neat dancing act. Went big in this spot.
13 min full stage spec.
These girls in a routine of dances with a boy at the piano and a neat stage setting made a good opener.