Edith Clasper

(11 mins.) with a couple of boys assisting her and an act composing a variety of dances she was very well received. While nothing particularly new is developed it is a very nice looking turn, snappy and well presented. Closed to a good hand.

Jessie Brown & Effie Weston

17 min. Their new offering is better than the one they did last season and brought excellent results. Have a good variety of dancing, attractively dressed and the piano numbers by Dave Dryer helps considerably. Closed to an excellent hand.

Ivan Bankoff

In a very beautiful dancing act. 14 minutes full stage.

Boyle & Bennett

11 min in 1   Boy and girl, do some exceptional dancing. Closed to a very good hand.

Ryan & Ryan

(10 mins.) A very good dancing act by a fellow and girl. We have played it before and it brought equally good results.

Sherman & Rose

7 min in full stage spec. This dancing act came in from the Boston Theatre for the night show in order to break up the long stretch of talk. They went over finely closing to a good hand.

Baraban & Grohs

A very pretentious dancing act with considerable scenery and some unusual dancing quite well done. 12 minutes full stage.

Harry and Grace Ellsworth

The young man’s Russian dancing in this act is most remarkable. There is about five minutes of this. The rest of this act is inane and the woman is particularly poor. 12 minutes in one.

Mosconi Brothers

(16 mins.) A full sized riot we looked for and one of the biggest applause hits we play. The addition of the Father of the Mosconi family to the act during this week’s engagement, of course, made it a bigger hit, but the dancing of the Mosconis’ is even better than when we played it before.

Brown & Weston

18 min in full stage spec.   These girls are both good dancers but the act seems to lack “Pep” and a punch. Went over only fair.