Dancers. A very good act of its kind. 11 Min. in One.
Two men, wooden shoe dancers, doing some very clever work and finished with a novelty of dancing on what are apparently drums. 8 Min. in One.
“La Sorcierie.” Beautiful, spectacular dancing and ran off very well this afternoon. I have never had anything like this here before and am awaiting reports to see if it will be a drawing card for us. 14 min. full stage.
13 min. in one. This is a local act that has made good here before not on account of the fact that they are known here, but on account of their intrinsic value. Went very well. Open with eccentric costuming and dancing and finished in showy dress.
9 min. F.S., close in one. Two men, one working straight, the other in tough girl dress. The work in full stage is clever, although not above the average. The finish in one with the eccentric dancing on skates is very clever and won them a good closing hand.
Dancing act, went well but the act is rather short 7 minutes in one.