William Seabury & Co.

(28 mins.) A great dancing flash with five girls supporting Mr. Seabury. They do a variety of dancing, wear a lot of attractive costumes and the act is full of speed and color from start to finish. It was a big hit and held down the headline position in a very satisfactory manner.

Rome & Cullen

(13 mins.) These boys are good dancers and their stepping was a big hit. They finished with a little talk that went only fairly well but they got by in good shape.

Magee & Anita

(11 mins.) A neat dancing turn by a man and woman. Do a variety of stepping and wear some pretty costume. Did nicely in the opening spot.

Frances Pritchard

18 min. in 1 & F.S. Very fine dancing act. The boys are exceptionally clever. Went very good.

Grey & Old Rose

14 min. F.S. Spec. Routine of dances old and new, well staged closed to a fair hand.

“The Love Shop”

28 min. F.S. Spec. The dancing of the Ellsworths’. And beautiful gowns worn by the girls, were the outstanding features of this act. closed to a fair hand.

Rome & Cullen

7 min. in 1. These boys shave some novel dancing steps, but went only fair.

McCormack & Mellon

12 min. in 1. These boys have some very clever dancing steps, and closed to a good hand.

Ara Sisters

10 min. F.S. Spec. These girls are very good dancers, wear some beautiful gowns, and did well closing the show.

Mosconi Bros. & Family

13 min. F.S. Spec. This act is the biggest applause hit we have had in years. All the family are exceptionally clever dancers. Certainly a hit.