In their 20th Century Dance Review. Carry their own drops; neat costumes; this act went very weak; don’t care for this kind of dancing; as a rule they walk out on this kind of act. 8 min.
(19 mins.) A pretty dancing act. The dancing does not show much variety but it is very prettily staged and the costumes are attractive. It was very well received.
“Dancing” Special scenery in 3. Went over good. 11 min.
(10 mins.) A neat dancing turn by a man and woman that furnished a good opener. Have a good routine of dances, well done.
9 min. F.S. Spec. Boy and girl in a prettily staged dancing novelty, the man in the act is quite clever, and they closed to a fair hand.
(12 mins.) A very pretty dance novelty. Six girls support Mme. Rialto in a series of semi-classical numbers and in the closing spot the act did splendidly, closing to a very good hand.
(20 mins.) This act came in without any publicity to take the place of Harry Fox and got over exceedingly well, especially considering the handicap. The girl is an excellent dancer and very well supported by two young men. Their work has plenty of variety and speed and the whole act made a very good impression. Closed strong.
(7 mins.) Very good dancing act by a man and woman. They have a variety of styles and the execution of each number is very good. They made a very good impression in the opening spot.
Dancing on the largest xylophone in the world. The boys are nice looking, execrable singers, but two exceptionally fine hard shoe dancers. Cannot just determine why the xylophone is featured as the work on the mat is good enough to make the act acceptable with the half minutes on the xylophone eliminated. With the excess discarded for fire wood act would make an acceptable offering in 1. Fcy in 2.
Twelve minutes in one. Good novelty dancing act that thoroughly made good.