Hurbert Kinney & Corinne

12 min. A very pretty dancing act with Tom Tucker at the piano. Have a variety of numbers, all well executed and each number won applause. The act was a good sized hit and closed to a big hand.

Wm. Seabury & Co.

29 min. F.S. Spec. Prettily staged dancing act and all do good work. Went over very well.

Bekefi Dancers

14 min. in 3 Spec. Man and two women in prettily staged dancing act. Went well.

Ed Janis & Company

A very pretty dancing number, three girls supporting Mr. Janis, who is the principal. A varied program of numbers and all dances well done. Plenty of section and closed to a big hand.

Guiran & Marguerite

(13 mins.) One of the best dancing acts we have played this season and a big applause hit. A variety of numbers and each one of them splendidly executed, bring warm recognition. Act closed very strong.

Burns & Foran

(10 mins.) Two boys, excellent steppers. A very neat dancing number, with a variety of dances. Did very well, closing to a very good hand.

Wheeler & Potter

(11 mins.) Did just fair with some talk of a light calibre. The man does a little stepping and the closing number, with his dance, took them off to a fair hand. Act rates just about fair.

Ivan Bankoff & Co.

17 min. F.S. Remarkable dancing by both man and woman assisted by a clever man at piano. Went big.

Vinie Daly

(14 mins.) One of the big applause hits of the bill. She is doing a little more dancing this year than last. Her act brought her frequent outbursts of applause and her singing was also very well received.

Clinton Sisters

19 min. F.S. Spec. Neatly costumed dancing act. Made a good opener.