Lady, girl and boy. 11 min. Full stage, special set. Passably fair, having one dance that manages to hold the attention; the remainder of the turn consists in romping about the stage bedecked with ribbons in much the same manner that one would expect from a bevy of children at play in the nursery.
20 min. This is a big flash as a dancing novelty. There are ten in the company, all men, and it is action from start to finish. East does a variety of dances in women’s clothes and his assistants give him a lot of support in various kinds of stepping. A rathakellar orchestra furnishes the music on the stage and there is incidental musical numbers which met with favor. There is a lot of fancy and color to the act and it made a very good impression.
Two young fellows in a singing and dancing act of the kind that vaudeville is being overrun with. If they would only change their makeup and not appear in dress suits, as do practically all the others, that might help the act some. The boys are clever enough, but the public is tired of this sort of act. 10 mins, F.S.
15 min. Ballet of six dancing girls supporting George and May Le Fevre. Away from the usual classic dancing act inasmush as they not only introduce classic numbers but also a Russian dance and a cakewalk number. Act as a whole pleased and for this class of act, finished strong.
17 min. With the exception of the opening numbers, the routine is about the same as this act had for the past two or three seasons. There have been one or two changes made in the male members of the act, but it still remains a very high-class dancing number, attractively dressed.
Russian Dancers all week, going big at every performance the act they talk about this week 7 minutes.
10 minutes f.s. Palace. A splendid dancing act, with some marvelous Russian twirling by the man. Opens a bit quiet, but made an acceptable closer. Too bad to use this act to close, but it could not be helped under the circumstances.
15 min. A dancing act in which Miss King does all the dancing on her toes assisted by Mr. Brooks in a series of original and novelty number, closing with a military number which tool them off to a big hand. The novelty of the act is in the toe dancing by Miss King which is of the highest class and they finished to a good hand.
17 minutes (2) Special drop. At the matinee and second evening performance act was well-received; at the first evening performance they did not fair so happily until the finale, when the ensemble dancing which is well executed, receives plenty of applause. Costumes are very attractive and make a pleasing display.
12 min. A Parisian dancer using four numbers varied in character and elaborately dressed and staged with electric and light effects. Her final number is a beautiful creation in which mirrors are used as reflectors filling the stage with a myriad of color. Each number is splendidly danced and the act is an excellent dancing novelty which scored solidly in the closing position.