Nina Payne

15 min. This girl introduced a series of character dances that started a bit slow but finished into one of the applause hits of the bill. She makes the present day of Egyptian and classic dances into eccentric numbers and does them all in a way entirely different from any others, giving vaudeville a genuine novelty.

Harold Dukane & Co.

Man and two attractive girls in a beautifully dressed and unusual scenic presentation of a dancing act. While the dancing is not particularly good, the act goes very well indeed, because of its method of offering. 15 minutes full stage.

Elvera Sisters

Dancers – they give three numbers; fantasy dance, eccentric dance, which include “trick and brake” steps and acrobatic dance. A change of costume is used for each number. 8 min in one; went good.

Harold Dukane & Co.

15 min. Young man and two girls, formerly worked as the Connolly Trio. They have a series of modern dances worked up in a novel way, nicely staged and dressed and making an attractive appearance. Use a novel bit for a finish in which they impersonate skaters. Their dancing was well liked and finished to a strong hand.

Adelaide and J.J Hughes

In “The Garden of the World.” 30 minutes f.s. Special sets. This act stands out head and shoulders above everything else on the bill. Beautifully staged, and the girl dancers are graceful and good to look at. One of the best dancing acts we have played this season.

Frank & Tobie

Very good dancing act – with changes of costumes and special unique drops – which could have held a little better position with ease. 14 minutes. Short opening in one, closes full stage.

Mlle. Bianca

16 min. A very pretty Russian dancing number containing three principals who have a routine of attractive and well executed numbers. All three are excellent dancers and in the closing position held the audience interested and closed to a strong hand. The whole act is particularly to be commended for its stage setting, scenery, lighting and costuming.

Theodore Kosloff and his Russian Ballet

32 minutes fs. Special set. The biggest and most artistic dancing act we have played in a long time. Six soloists and an orchestra of ten pieces, in a beautiful setting. Kosloff is manly appearing fellow, and the girls in the company make a beautiful appearance.

Bessie Clayton and Company

22 minutes f.s. Special set. Miss Clayton is assisted by two male dancers, while a dancing band of six musicians fill in the waits between the numbers, as well as playing for the dances. A high-class dancing turn. Went big.

Kosloff’s Russian Ballet

28 min. These Russian dancers have something new for vaudeville with their artistic program. There are six in the troupe in addition to their own orchestra. All of their numbers are new and splendidly executed and at the finish of an elaborate repertoire, they were forced to give several bows in answer to the applause which was well earned.