Marshall & Ford Sisters

22 min. The dancing of the two girls, formerly of the Four Fords carried this act through to a hit. The man sings some of his own compositions and helps kill the waits between the changes of costume. The girls score with a patriotic dance right at the jump and close very big with come great hard shoe dancing. They won frequent applause and finished strong.

“Dream Fantasies”

(Cleveland Bronner & Co.) 23 min. A very elaborate scenic production with a man and two girls employed in a series of eleven dance numbers which consist chiefly of costumes changes. It is a highly colored act but there is too little variety to the numbers except in the way of costumes. It was greeted with only fair applause.

Catherine Powell

12 min. f.s. Spl. Miss Powell offers a varied routine of dances, making her changes in full view of the audience with the assistance of maid. This act is very prettily dressed staged, and the young lady is a very clever dancer. Opened our show in good style.

Adelaide & Hughes

24 min. The new dances creations presented by these artists alone form one of the most artistic offerings they have ever shown in vaudeville. Not alone in their dancing up to their usual class but the costume effects are more elaborate and colorful than anything they have displayed as a team and they contributed a big applause hit.

World Dancers

29 min. f.s. Spl. Set. All the members of this company are exceptionally good dancers, and with the very good work of Mr. Sheehan and Miss Regay, keep things on the move. While the individual work did not receive any great amount of applause, their combined efforts drew down a good hand for the finish.

Seabury & Shaw

11 min., open in 1, close f.s. The opening number of this boy and girl does not make much of an impression, but when they go to work in full stage, the act picks up. The boy’s dancing equals that of any male dancer we have played this season. His steps are, a great many of them, original and called for big applause. The act was a good opener.

Holiday’s Dream

22 min. f.s. special setting. This is the same that toured last season with the exception of the Principals, they being replaced by La Palericas, two exceptionally clever dancers. Judging from the way this act is going over, it is far superior to previous years.

Joan Sawyer

26 min. With a lot of new dances, Miss Sawyer repeated the success scored last season. She is without an orchestra this year, but carries several musicians, two of which introduce solos on a piano and violin during her act. As usual, she wears some stunning gowns and is splendidly assisted by George Harcourt in the dances. She closed her act with a little speech inviting the audience to accept free wool for knitting for the soldiers and also attempted to sing a comedy song, which did not do so well.

J.K.Emmet & Co.

17 minutes, f.s. 2 men 1 woman. This act is called Persian Romance. The story is in blank verse with three singing numbers by Mr. Emmet, and a dancing number by the young lady. It is very prettily stage and Mr.Emmet is to be commended for trying to get something new, but our audience did not receive the act very warmly.

Six American Dancers

In its entirety I think this is the best liked act these folks have given. It is entirely new in every respect and it was the first thing we had to wake the audience. 17 min in one, and half.