Herbert Kinney and Corinne showed their classy dance routine on second, making the spot Important and grabbing a heavy measure of applause.
16 Mins.
“Dance Creations.”
One and Three (Special Sets and Hangings).
For the finish, an Egyptian dance number which presumably was some sort of an interpretative dance, was shown. Suffice it, no one was interested in interpreting it, other than watching Miss Myers go through the gyrations of her dance. She appears barefooted and stockingless well up to her thighs, the upper portion of her anatomy also being similarly spared of coverings. Except for breastplates, it was a nude intermission unto the waist. Even below that a diaphonous arrangement of the costume imparted an effect that brought gasps from the audience. In the course of her dance, Miss Myers has occasion to doff an outer portion of her costume as well as her breastplates, the act of removing the latter raising another nervous giggle barrage from the frails present. However, It only disclosed her anatomy.
Double dance with kicking pre-dominating, piano solo by accompanist while girls are changing, another double by girls, pianist fills in again and girls back with another costume change. The third number has the girls in Oriental garb, with a pleasing double dance holding a suggestion of Egyptian dancing. More ivory tickling, followed by more double-stepping by girls clad in becoming Jetted affair and transparent black lace pantelletes. Pianist is good musician and strong on appearance, but should drop habit of beating time on pedal. Pretty solid blue cyclorama set makes effective background. Act registered at 23d street. Class turn for pop houses, with excellent possibilities for early section of big time shows.
10 Mins.
These three girls or a similar combination played around as three Andersons. A cyclorama envelopes the stage representing a boudoir or dressing room with a bureau, pier glass, special lamps, etc. For the first number two of the girls pop out of a chest opened by one. An undecipherable song is followed by a ballet dance. A change is made in view, the girls stripping down to one-piece sailor pants with orange colored blouses and caps for a hornpipe. Another “view” change and two of the girls do a double dance with whirls and kicks.
Full Stage (Curtains).
A Spanish dancer who be more dependent upon than either or all of the three dances she did, with a piano player in the orchestra. The dances did not strike, but the Spanish girl is of pleasant appearance and, of course, a brunet. She is reported to have tried out other turns around New York, with no better success than this one will likely meet with.
Straight, eccentric and character dancing, all of which is very good. Made a very favorable impression, gaining applause and scoring a strong finish. Street in one. 17 minutes.
15 min, f.s. spl. This girl does all the modern dances on her toes assisted by male partner who also does very good work. Miss King makes a few changes of costume and the act did well in closing spot.
It is a long time since a dancing act made as a big hit as this one did yesterday. It is splendidly presented and the dancing is above the average. The atmosphere in which it is presented also lends considerably to its success. 21 minutes f.s.
16 min. f.s. close in 1. This act is somewhat similar to their previous offering only the action taken place in a recruiting office. As soon as the lady got dancing the act picked up and closed to a good hand.
24 min. With the assistance of the Marconi Brothers, a pair of wonderful dancers, and Paisley Noon sings and also dances, Miss Clayton is offering the best act she has ever presented in vaudeville and it was a riot of applause. A variety of dance numbers, colorful and full of action, is offered and it richly deserves the highest praise that can be give.