The Andrieff Trio, Russian dancer, two men and a woman copped an armful of applause. They opened with a comedy drill that got laughs and prepared the way for the heavy dancing with which they complete their act.
[New] Talk and dance. 15 mins.; one. These colored boys have a howling collection of new gags evolving around their being stranded in a frigid zone aptly described as “forty below.” The talk is sprightly original and telling from the start. They make pathetic figures in their ragged habiliments and in slouch and facial expression suggest strongly those sketches that usually accompany Octavius Cohen’s “{satevepost?}” stories. The same dancing boxing business concludes their offering. Big time.
Yvette, violin player and dancer, assisted by Eddie Cooks and Kino Clark, put on a pretentious act which does not make sufficient display for the amount of apparent investment. The drops are heavily trimmed with imitation flowers. There is a center door giving a glimpse which in coloring, mostly of cerise, gave the whole picture a jangling note. The dancing boys were scarcely as effective in their comedy, although they had some fast stepping.
The dancing Humphreys earned far more recognition than the usual dancing turn of this kind gets for itself. Both of these young people rank well on the appearance counts and they dance as though they enjoy it, with gleaming smiles and flashing eyes, they keep the audience pulling for them all the time.
Adelaide Bell and Co. followed and held ‘em with a varied assortment of dancing, the “co” being a male accompanist. Miss Bell attending the terpsichorean end. Between dances the pianist did a classical number and a “blues” neither more than passably. He’s a good musician, but his choice of selections failed to show off his ability to proper advantage. Miss Ball’s best were a legmania dance with a variety of kicks forward, backward and side, all equally well executed and a toe dance intermingled with some great ankle work. She’s an excellent dancer and had no trouble in landing safely in the hit column.
Closing the show were Ivan Bankoff and Co. As a rule the Palace bunch starts to walk as soon as the final turn begins. In this instance it was different, even the standees at the rear of the rail remaining to the conclusion of Mr. Bankoff’s last dance. It’s a classy stepping turn, and deserved all of the attention and applause it received.
Tom and Kitty O’Meara, following, also landed heavily with a series of character and ball room dances. The old-fashioned minuet, prettily costumed and expertly performed, was picked for a thunderous hand. The Bowery tough dance also pulled a gale of applause, but it is overdrawn, nevertheless, and would be more effective if toned down.
Sam Berk and Juanita Swan danced, mostly. The girl is a juvenile song showed looks, but little personality. She dances so well that she disadvantages herself by singing. Her pretty limbs fly like daisies in the wind. Berk dances hard but well.
The Dancing McDonalds, a couple of nifty kids who need to be told how to make effective exits instead of finishing dances in mid-stage, taking the bows and then going off to stage-waits in a closing turn made good in spite of their amateurish technique. As lookers they are perfection they got being built like Pat Rooney and the girl a blonde sweety [sic] of many parts and graces. They looked fresh and clean, their clothes were tasty and well cared for, and they danced a variety of numbers with ease and charms. They should by all means change their stage name, as it smacks of circus or small time whereas they smack of musical comedy at $3 and furthermore each should establish a name individual as well as half a team. This looks like a couple of kid who have a lot and don’t know how much they have, themselves.
Novelty dancers. 13 min in 1. A man and woman doing a straight dancing turn. The act is well dressed, two changes being made. One song is offered at the opening, but the remainder of the time is devoted to dancing. While there is nothing new in this offering it is clean cut well dressed act and went over for an enthusiastic hand last night.