A bicycle act, makes a satisfactory opener. 10 minutes full stage, short opening in one.
11 min. F.S. Good bicycle act with a good punch for finishing trick. Went well.
(10 mins.) A man and woman comedy bicycling. This act repeated very well for us, doing nicely as an opener.
Comedy Cyclists. A capital opening act for any house. The straight man does some of the niftiest tricks I have ever seen in a bicycle act while his partner introduces some inoffensive comedy. Can close a small show or open a big in good shape. Garden in 4. Time 11 min.
A well-known comedy bicycle act which scored as big a hit as usual. 12 min. F.S.
Supported by a Wire — Rides a bicycle, swings by his hands also by one hand with feet in the air, juggling, etc. 8 min. went good.