Blake’s Animal Circus
Blake’s Animal Circus caused a goodly
amount of merriment with the mule.
There is much else to the act besides.
The ponies, dogs and monkeys give it
variety, and it is a very good sample of
an animal act.
Fred Ginnett’s English Company
Max Gruber
Barlow’s Ponies and Dogs
Mr. and Mrs. Barlow alternate in<
working the half dozen beautiful ponies
which appear in the act.
Thalero’s Novelty Circus
Miss Ray Thompson
Velanche’s Football Dogs
This act was a part of the Harry Lauder show and was seven minutes long on the full stage.
The act consists of a leaping greyhound, a tame fox in a whirling cage, and a clown dog. The finish is a football “game” between two opposing teams of bulldogs. The trainer throws a football attaches to a rope into a pack of bulldogs who nose it around. A bulldog is stationed at each wire goal and noses the ball back into the middle whenever it comes their way.
Savoys and Co.
Three Travilla Bros. and Diving Seal
This diving act was eight minutes long on the full stage.
A seal shuffles onstage and jumps into the water tank, which has a glass front. Three divers then join it in the water. One proceeds to do back somersaults with the seal holding onto his toe. Two men then swim to the bottom of the tank and watch the seal swim underwater for three minutes straight (it is then announced that they hold the world record for staying under water at four minutes and thirty-seven seconds). For the finish, a table is lowered into the water and they are joined by the seal. They stay under and eat at the table for two minutes.