Miss Orford’s Elephants

The act was fifteen minutes long. Two of the elephant are full grown while the third is a baby. The elephants copy the dance steps of Miss Orford. The finish consist of an elephant saving Miss Orford from a burning house.


The act was twelve minutes long. The horse is spotted and white. There is a coloured attendant who remains on the stage. The horse performs tricks.

Robinson’s Ragtime Elephants

The act was eleven minutes long. Robinson wore immaculate evening dress. He didn’t speak, but silently commanded the elephants. The finish saw the animals shake themselves to a ragtime melody.

Kluting’s Animals

A prop airship is lowered from the flies and three cats leap into its basket. A rabbit does prompt tricks as well.

Margaret Hill’s Animals

The act was nineteen minutes long. Miss Hill enters in a go-cart driven by a pony. The pony butts a male assistant and allows a monkey to ride on its back. There are several dogs tied together by a leash that get restless while they wait their turn. It takes away from the act. The dogs eventually do some high leaping.