This woman has two of the handsomest horses that I have ever seen, and she is certainly an accomplished equestrienne. It would hardly be fair to compare her with Milly Capell for there is quite a bit of difference between the two acts. Miss Capell’s act is more of a trained horse act, while Miss Gerard gives an example of high school riding. What work she does I think is as good as I have ever seen, and the only fault that I have too find with her is that she has to drag out some of the movements of the horses a little in order to give any time to the act. However, it is a good turn and went splendidly here this afternoon. 14 minutes, full stage.
There is no doubt there was a great disappointment felt by the audience in this act. They didn’t seem to like her nearly as well as Milly Capell and she was really a great fall down to the show. Horse acts have never been in great demand with Providences audiences and I think that in the future it would be well to cut them out unless they have more attractiveness than those we have played, at least I should not care to repeat Miss Gardner again. 15 min, full stage, 2 shows.
2 shows, 14 min, full stage. First time here for this act, which is easily the best of tis class we have ever played. The woman is handsome, the equines magnificent specimens of horse flesh, in splendid condition and well trained. The act given here is only one of three which they can do, and I would favor their rebooking at once (as they are to remain in the country, playing parks, during the summer) and placing them two weeks in each of the large houses, with a change of act each week.
Wood in 4, 14 min, Introduces a number of bears and monkeys. The act certainly has not improved of late, and appeared to-day as if none of the animals were trained and schooled to their work. They can hardly hold down this position at the close of the bill and closed only to fair applause.
12 min. Water Landscape in 5. We understand this woman has three acts. Number one, which she is giving here; number two, where the cart and dogs are used; and number three, the best of all, in which the posing in the back drop is done. They were all given with the Barnum show, but on one week engagements, the simplest of three acts is presented. One of the Three Avolos is travelling with Miss Gerard as her husband or manager. She also has a French horse trainer, who claims to have trained horses for the Czar of Russia. This gentleman has two assistants. The number one act that she gave us to-day consists entirely of high school riding. She used two horses, working one at a time. They do they cake-walk, the waltz, and other fancy evolutions. The act went exceptionally well, and was applauded throughout, with curtain calls at the finish. The horses are well trained, and work without balking. The act made a real hit.
She has two beautiful horses, which she rides, putting them through some very interesting movements but we are somewhat disappointed and believe that she could do a stronger act. She should use the flower decked cart and dogs. Full stage.
Four ponies and three dogs. While I did not see the whole of the act, having been called to the ‘phone.’ What I did see of it would indicate that it was as strong a turn of the kind as we have ever played. The ponies are all neat, plump little fellows, and in their posing, I think, have never been equaled. 13 min, full stage.
This act is in vaudeville for but one week when it goes to Paris. The arena setting is a beautiful one, the lions, five in number, exceedingly handsome specimens and Miss Selica, fair of face, figure and costume with graceful dances, presents an act of unusual interest. Full stage.
Open 2, close full stage; 20 min; 2 shows. Well known to the circuit, but I see some improvement in the act since the last time it played around, except in the leaping section where either through his own help or our own stage hands on the act get a little bit mixed up and did not finish with the hurrah. All this will be remedied in the night show, and I lack for a more compact act and better results.