Walter L. Main’s

War Elephant. This act is not at the present writing only in fair condition. To start with, they have no photographs, but will have some taken after the matinee today. The trainers have poor uniforms and are not kept in presentable condition. Walter Main is here himself today, and I’ve taken the matter up with him, and told him what was necessary if the act is to continue in vaudeville. He is willing to do anything that is necessary to help the act, and I think before the week is out, we’ll get it in fairly good shape, while there is really nothing to the act compared with some of the other big elephant acts we’ve had before.

Harry Rochez’s Animals

2 shows, 15 minutes, full stage. This is one of the best animal acts we have ever had here, particularly for the children, and it should have been featured big, but unfortunately I had not seen it in advance and the reports from the other houses were not such as to lead me to enthuse over it as I should have done had I seen it personally. It was the first act on the bill to really arouse the blasé Monday audience and it got them applauding before it had been long under way.

Giliett’s Dogs

15 mins. Landscape in 2. Garden in 4. Well known on the circuit. Went very strong, with laughter and applause throughout. Very good dog act.

Foster & “Mike”

3 shows, 15 min. in 1. Splendidly trained black-and-tan dog, who performs a variety of tricks, the best being the sounding of a bell while a tune is being played by the master. It is a capital small act.

Foster & Dog

This is a cute little canine and he does a number of tricks much out of the ordinary finishing with his playing upon the bells the same as formerly done by Edison’s Pug Dog. A very nice little act. 14 min. in 2, can work in one, if necessary, 3 shows

Gillett’s Dogs

MRR 2. They made a great hit this afternoon, and I think it is about the most interesting animal act we play. The pantomime at the opening is very good. The musical dogs always excite the wonder of an audience, and he has got some leaping dogs that are as good as any I have ever seen. There is quite an element of comedy in the act and a hurrah finish. 17 minutes, full stage, with a short close in 1

Parker’s Dogs

2 shows, 10 min. full stage. It was quite evident that a great part of the audience was assembled for this particular act, as there were hundreds of children and young girls present. The act is a showy one, though not great, and went tremendously strong.

Miett’s Dogs

This is a very nice little dog act about the same as the usual dog act doing three shows. He has a nice neat apparatus and the dogs are bright and altogether they make good. 15 min. full stage, 3 shows.