Will Mead and dog “Sparkle”

12 min. in 2. 3 shows. Very well dressed and interesting act. The dog is certainly remarkably well trained and intelligent. He tells time, rings bells in tune, picks out letters of the alphabet and in other ways shows high intelligence. Especially pleasing act for the children. Liberal applause at the finish.

Rose Wentworth Trio

Well known equestrian act late with the Barnum and Bailey show. The act was not as good as it was last year. The man that does the bare back riding with Miss Wentworth is not the young man they had with them last season. The man that tried to ride with her today was very bad. He made two very bad falls showing conclusively that he was not an expert. I should judge that he receives about half the money they paid last season. A good act. Wood in 5. 8 minutes.

“Princess Trixie”

20 min. full stage. The best single trained-horse act I have ever seen. She has “Jim Key” beaten blocks. A more beautiful specimen of horseflesh is rarely seen. Her owner and trainer, Mr. Barnes, works her to the queen’s taste. This act would create talk in any city and I would like to see her go over the circuit. I am afraid, however, that we will lose it, as Barnes has twelve weeks booked at the Palace, London, and is supposed to sail the week of the 29th.

Batholdy’s Cockatoos

Bird-act. 10 min. F.S. 2 shows. Man and woman both in Oriental costumes of much richness and beauty. The paraphernalia adds a great deal of interest to this act which must be described as novel and interesting in every particular. They are about 20 birds of the cockatoo and parrot variety and they perform various stunts such as turning on horizontal bars, riding a miniature bicycle and various evolutions on whirling apparatuses balanced on the performer’s chin. The birds show a rare intelligence and training. It is certainly an act that delights all, but particularly women and children. There was considerable applause throughout and the finish was good. It is one of those acts that are quietly enjoyed rather than received with much demonstration.

Cabaret’s Performing Dogs

While this act introduced nothing new or novel in the way of animal training, it comprises some very good somerset dogs, and introduces a toy ferris wheel, and a merry-go-round, which makes it very interesting for the children. It is too short, however, to be of any real value for the money. 12 mins, gar in 4.

Bertholdy’s Cokatoos

On at 2.28, 12 min, full stage. As good a trained bird act as we have ever seen. The finish of the birds riding on a bicycle around a wire loop over the audience was great.

Prof Deboise & Ape “Adam”

12 min. F.S. 3 shows. This is an excellent three-a-day act, and one particularly interesting so the children, in fact, interesting to everybody. The ape is certainly marvelously trained, and seems to have a strong sense of humor. He plays cards, smokes a pipe, walks the tight-rope and does other simple stunts in a manner that brought many laughs and certainly holds the interest throughout. The ape is not as large as Bostock’s “Esau” was, but it seems to have far more intelligence. Good applause at the close.

Joe Reichen & His Dogs

The balancing feats performed by these dogs are marvelous, and duplicated by no other dog act that we have ever played. To say that the act created a sensation to-day, is to put it mildly, as it was without question the hit of the bill up to this point. Great improvement even since his last visit. 10 mins, Gar. 3.

Kern’s Mimic Dog

2 shows, 9 min, full stage (will work him in 1 hereafter.) The dog behaved much better today in the matter of facial expressions than when I saw him in New York, and his characters aroused considerable laughter. To my mind, it does not seem as though it would prove exceptionally strong, but nevertheless, we will try it later on the bill tonight.

Rochez’s Ponies and Dogs

Rochez gave us something entirely different in the way of a dog and pony act to-day than we have had in the past, the dogs and ponies working together. The animals are exceedingly well trained, and form the tableaus, and do the little plays practically of their own volition. A mighty good act, not only for the children, but for the older ones. The only adverse criticism that might be offered is that it lacks action. Held the attention to-day and was liberally applauded. 13 mins, circus in 5.