On at 9.58, 14 min, full stage. Although this is not as lively an act as I would like, with which to close the show, still it is a corking good novelty animal turn. It makes an effective stage picture. The leopards are well trained and work without Arnoldo’s having to resort to the use of a whip. Well worth the money we are paying, two fifty.
10 min. in 2. ON at 5:00. The principal interest in the baby elephant is his availability as a program boy in the lobby. Mounted upon a table with his trainer at his side, he distributes Keith News afternoon and evening to the patrons as they come in and crowd around him. He is especially a pet with the children and is one of the best features of this kind that we have ever had. His work in the stage is rather interesting, doing several common stunts, but his principal value lies in his virtues as an advertiser. To-night he will distribute menu-cards at the Jeweller’s banquet at the Bingham Roof Garden. Bowing for flash-light pictures, and other stunts are in preparation.
12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 10:15. Very beautiful act in a circus ring. The horses are admirably trained and make fine showing. As a closing feature could not be excelled. Frequent applause throughout. Think Philadelphia audiences partial to acts of this kind. One of the horses is a good deal of a comedian, which adds to the interest of the act.
22 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 7:35. This is one of the most entertaining acts in Vaudeville. It is well known, but so original that it takes the house every time. All the animals, including donkey, four dogs, cat, four roosters, (with the fighting rooster “Fitzimmons), pig and geese, are very well trained. There was frequent applause and laughter throughout the act. Close was flattering, with curtain call.
17 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:03. Mighty pretty little animal act. Three fox terriers and a coach-dog. The animals all look kept and are certainly well trained, and do not fear the whip. They do the regulation stunts, such as tumbling, jumping the rope, turning somersaults, and some comedy tricks that have been seen here before, but all done very well and winning good deal of applause. Could hold a pretty good spot in the three-a-day section with entire credit.
12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:55. This is an excellent children’s act. Rafayette himself is a gymnast as well as a trainer. The dogs certainly work marvellously well and introduce a lot of tricks that have never been seen here before, such as backward somersaults from high perch, dog-balancing on dogs, etc. etc. Kept the children in constant laughter and worked up to a fine finish. The dogs show none of the accustomed fear of the trainer that characterizes animal acts usually. An all right specialty for this spot.
12 min. F.S. 3 shows. ON at 7:03. Axtelle had the misfortune to lose his dog, which handicapped his act very much this afternoon. The understudy canine that he substituted was not up to the requirements. Axtelle’s line of talk is rather amusing although too lengthy, but his contortion work is so good that it had the act hold the place acceptably. His tramp costume is very amusing in itself. He works with table and two chairs. Closed well.
15 min. F.S. 3 shows. ON at 7:17. This local act has improved very much since it was here last year. The little girl is much more expert, older and prettier and the costuming, as well as the dressing of the act is much improved. Her animals consist of baboon, two small monkeys and three well trained dogs who perform the usual animal stunts, receiving good hand. The closing feature of the act is a miniature circus, one of the dogs masqueraded as a horse, the monkeys jumping off and on from a small pedestal. Received very good hand at close. Safe three-a-day for any house and was put down the bill after first performance.
Act consists of Bears, Monkeys, Dogs, and a trained Ant-Eater. Animals are very well trained and do some stunts, which are far from the ordinary, especially that of the ant-eater riding the globe; the monkey’s jump from the top of the proscieum arch; the bear playing the banjo, waltzing, etc. Big applause on the finish. 14 min.-full stage
While we have played this act here before, I don’t remember when it went as big as it did today, in fact I think it is better than it ever was. The Sea Lions are really wonderful and do a lot of stuff that a good many jugglers have hard work in doing. 20 minutes in full stage.