The elephant’s work on the stage is very ordinary, though what he does is thoroughly first-class and shows perfect training. He got quite a number of laughs with some scattered applause. As an advertising medium he will be a wonder. 10 minutes, full stage.
9 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 10:26. This is certainly a very amusing animal act. His dogs apparently work entirely without assistance from the trainer and carry out a little playlet with miniature street scene and houses. The canine drunks were particularly amusing and when at last the chimpanzee drags them into a patrol wagon and they are drawn away by a big Newfoundland dog, there is a perfect scream of laughter. This is especially a good children’s act, and would stand billing as such very strong.
And her Ranch Boys with 7 horses. From 20 to 25 min. There is no question but what this act is the best of the kind that has ever appeared in vaudeville. I would advise any one booking this act to be sure that their jumps would allow them to get in early in the morning the day of their opening as the preparation for this is enormous. You can figure that it takes them at least 2-1/2 hours after they reach the theatre. We were unable to get them on Monday P.M. until 5:30. It is a question with me whether or not the bucking bronco is a good thing in the act I am afraid that it does not appeal to a portion of our audience.
On at 4.51, 13 min, full stage, 3 shows. This act has improved considerably since we played it last. The dogs are a bright and intelligent lot and work well, while Milton’s work on the horizontal bar is excellent. Feel confident that this would make a satisfactory opening act for the smaller houses.
Novel juggling and sporting act, with a horse and three dogs. Act consists of fancy riding, juggling and a wee bit of strong work. Animals are very well trained. Very pleasing act, novel and original. A pity to sacrifice it to close the show. Very well received. 11 minutes full stage.
Special set, full stage, 8 minutes. The act shows a minature [sic] street scene in which dogs and monkeys carry abut [sic] a melodrama without the appearance of their trainer at any time during the act. The animals are remarkably well trained and one dog that does ‘A Drunk’ makes as big a hit as I have ever seen in vaudeville. This whole act is a continuous scream.
On at 4:35, 14 min, full stage. The word Beautiful applies to this woman, her costumes, her horse, her pony and her act in its entirety. One of the swellest horse acts I have ever seen. I wish it was possible to put it in the heard of the bill.
A very clever lot of Fox Terriers that do quite a number of very good tricks and do them well. The man in the act works, which is more then can be said concerning the majority of animal sets. The set made good thoroughly. 8 minutes garden set.
This ‘wild west’ act carries seven people a [sic] seven horses. Miss Mulhall does some clever work with a trained horse and also some clever stunts with the lariat, roping the horses spinning the rope, etc. Charley Mulhall rides a bucking horse, and uses him quite cruelly in driving the spur into him to make him buck. I am uncertain this part of the act will be received by the women patrons. The ‘wild’ horse appears gentle enough until he is made quite frantic by the rowels. 24 min, FS.
This is a very good act. It is not only a dog act, but also an acrobatic act. He does a lot of work on the bar. His tricks are all very good. Consider it a very good three a day act. Went very well. 13 minutes, full stage. Three shows.