15 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 8:45. Advance hand. This is a very showy act. Mme. Marrder knows how to present her act in a most brilliant style, although the stunts of the horse are not so wonderful. The horse is a very beautiful animal, doing the regulation feats of marching, dancing, etc, to good applause. Finishes with a brilliant butterfly dance with stereopticon lights, making an effective finish.
Joe Hart has kept this act right up to the high standard of last season. The principal female part is now in the hands of Daisy Leon who does quite well as Eulalie Young. The other parts are practically in the same hands, and the act itself was just as big a hit as last season. 2 min. FS.
18 min. F.S. close in 1. 2 shows. On at 9:54. This is a remarkable trained monkey act. It is a scream for the children, in fact it is a scream for everybody. The monkeys, four in number, are all of the larger species, and the fun is fast and furious. There is a sulkey [sic] race and a barber scene in one that is one of the funniest things imaginable. The animals are trained so as to appear to be a full uncontrollable delivtry [sic], and this adds not a little to the laughter. The finish was scream
Introducing a handsome horse perfectly trained, with an exhibition of high-school riding with various poses and stereopticon effect. Rather a quiet closing act. However, held the audience and they gave her a rousing hand on her finish. Fourteen minutes full stage.
15 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 7:15. Eight well trained spaniels, terriers, black and tan dogs. Work on a dais two feet above the stage. Very pretty trained animal act. Do regulation stunts of balancing, ball rolling, etc. Some of their feats got a good hand for an act of this kind. Includes a trained goat. Would make a very acceptable opener.
17 min. F.S. 3 shows. On at 730. This is a remarkably trained horse. The act is particularly pleasing to the children. The horse does various stunts, such as telling time, mathematical stunts, etc, and seems endowed with human intelligence. Makes a very pretty picture on the stage. Hold the interest throughout and closed with a good hand.
F.S. time 13. The horse is the whole show and saves Rossi’s bad comedy from pickling the act. A woman also has a little to do. ‘Emir’ holds the people in their seats in great shape, in spite of the lateness of the hour (4.50 P.N.) The horse plays several instruments with apparent understanding, and puts on one or two comedy stunts such a smiling and laughing and knocking Rossi about the stage. It’s a great animal feature.
On at 1:50, 5 min full stage, 12 min close in 1; 17 min in all; 3 shows. This is one of the handiest acts I know of, for, if necessary, it can work entirely in 1. ‘Don’ is a remarkably pretty pony and is worked capitally by his trainer. At the price, $125, this act should never have an idle moment, for it will draw enough children in any town it plays to pay its salary twice over.
12 min. F.S. 2 shows. On at 9:16. Comes on the stage in a little flowery jinriksha drawn by a pretty pony which does one or two little stunts and is unharnessed. Miss Traney then balances the cart on her chin. Afterwards she proceeds to some juggling of plates, balls and balancing a large bottle which, upon pulling a string, falls apart and discloses a little dog, which then performs. After this the pony reappears, while Miss Traney does the Lalla Selvini act by disrobing to fleshings, juggling with her costume. The dog reappears and does some stunts through the hoops. The decorated cart is brought back again drawn by the pony with two hoops tied to his front feet through which two little dogs jump in very expert manner while the pony moves around the stage. The pony then walks off the stage on his hind feet, Miss Traney driving the cart making a pretty picture. Closed good.
Presume the monkeys were sick today as they worked very badly. The sleigh bells and Barber shop looks like a copy from Galletti. The general pranks of the animals pleased. All the bad features of the act were eliminated when the monkey rode the bicycle to the satisfaction of the crowd, which is a remarkable stunt. 9 minutes, full stage.