Meehan’s Leaping Dogs

12 minutes f.s. Garden, The hit of the show was the high jumping of ‘Black Captain,’ one of Meehan’s hounds. This dog’s clean, beautiful jumps aroused the audience the enthusiasm. One of the best dog acts we have played.

Howard’s Animals

17 min. F.S. This still remains, as it always has been, the best looking and most entertaining animal act of its kind in vaudeville. Four ponies and a troupe of dogs, all splendidly trained and beautiful in appearance, are handled by a man and woman. The routine of trick is varied and showy and the finishing number gives the act a strong closing. It was a big applause winner in the closing spot.

Galetti’s Dogs and Monkeys

15 minutes, full stage. Provide uproarious laughter by the antics of the simians, while the canines are adequate in the parts assigned them. Musical renditions prove quite interesting, and the animals give evidence of long and patient training.

Derkin’s Animals

9 minutes full stage special set. Exceptionally fine exhibition of animal training, in fact, one of the very best dog acts that has as yet played here, but in view of this town’s antipathy to animal acts they do not cause the enthusiasm here that they might command elsewhere: This act also played the opposition here about three seasons ago and this act has its effect upon the reception of the act at the hands of our audience many of whom have already seen it, which fact alone would materially hurt the act, especially as a feature for us.

Lady Alice’s Pets

Act composed principally of work done by trained rats with slight assistance from a couple of cats and dogs. I was very adverse to playing this act on account of feeling that it would be offensive to most people. I cannot say that I watched it with much appreciation myself because I have a great horror of reptiles and things that creep but the fact remains that it is a great novelty and is not as offensive as it would seem from the advertising. The act got considerable applause. 13 minutes. F.S.

Seymour’s Happy Family

16 minutes full stage, special set. People, 15 dogs. A wonderful act, the greatest trained dog act ever seen here; But I reiterate my oft-made statement to the effect that this city does not like animal acts, however good. The best animal act in the business would not be accepted here as a feature, albeit there is no denying that this particular act is a marvelous exhibition of animal training.

Havemann’s Animals

17 min. Lions and tigers. Undoubtedly a wonderful animal act, but following closely behind the recent incident in New York, it is not a good buy for vaudeville at present, While holding considerable interest, fully one-half of the audience, particularly women, left their seats and watched the remainder of the act from the lobby, showing evidence of nervousness. Those who remained rewarded Havemann liberally with applause.

Ford & Truly

10 min. in one. Man a dog, Man opens with song and dance, getting by with a good number, afterwards putting the dog through a routine of tricks that while familiar are well handled and the man secures excellent results by the way he puts the dog through the tricks. Very well liked and finished strong.

Rayons Birds

15 minutes full stage special drop, 2 men. Very pretty act to witness, and two or three of the birds display great aptitude in their various stunts; But the act played the opposition house here scarcely two years ago, and this fact weakens it with our clientele, and especially as a feature for a holiday bill.

‘Alice Teddy’

12 min, A very well trained bear. Skates on rollers, does a few tricks and finishes with a wrestling bout with one of its trainers. Does only a few tricks but gets a lot out of them and there is enough comedy in the act to keep the laughs going at a good pace. Very good novelty act and very well liked.