Man, woman, 8 dogs. Time, 9. In 3 Garden. Acrobatic canine tricks, some new. The finish in which the bulldog “impersonates” well known men and types is a big hit.
A number of very well trained Fox Terriers, man doing acrobatic work, women assisting. Very pretty little act which went fairly well. Garden in 4, 9 minutes.
Min, in “One” Spec. Trained dog act. Made a fire opener.
Very cleverly trained pony, well handled by a young lady and did very nicely in the opening spot. (11 mins.)
(9 mins.) A very good dog novelty. Animals are well trained and the act did very well in the opening spot.
12 Min in, ½ spec. Well known dog act went well.
(14 mins.) The same big flash and unquestionably the greatest riding act in vaudeville. The new opening helps the picture and the rest of the act is one big riot of applause and laughs.
(11 mins.) A very intelligent fox terrier, put through a routine of clever stunts by Bob Leo. A good comedy finish. Made a very good opener, particularly appealing to children.
In novelty in Black and White — Birds all white stage setting in black. Birds do all manner of stunts – chariot racing, fire race, tango and jazz dancing, etc. The audience seemed to enjoy this act, but did not show their appreciation by giving them a hand. 8 min. full.
12 min in full stage spec. Trained horse well presented but not a closing act for this bill.