Gruber’s Animals

Elephant, horse and pony, a very good animal act indeed. It is unusual in its make-up and presentation and pleased thoroughly. 13 Min. F.S.

Buro, Lwande and Wilson’s Bijou Circus

Two men and a woman, one of the men making up as a clown and the other as a ringmaster, while the woman does a very fair trapeze act. These people have good material and some clever animals, and if the alleged comedy were eliminated and a better finish secured, their act would be in a class all by itself. 18 minutes, full stage.

Wormwood’s Monkey Theater

This animal act is one of the leaders. It contains more trained animals than any other turn that has ever played this theater. Its comedy features are unmatched. 23 minutes all stage. 3 minutes in 1.

Wormwood’s Dogs and Monks

28 minutes, full stage, close in one. Big, impressive looking act, but handicapped by slovenliness in performing some of the tricks, and bad feeling between animals and trainer. This man should be warned in each house before opening not to thrash or abuse his animals, as is his habit. The work of a New Foundland that apparently works arithmetical problems and picks out national flags, with the cues so cleverly concealed that they are not apparent to the audience, pleased them. Reckless comedy of the monks also helped the act go well. Must be called a good offering.

Rayno’s Dogs

On at 4:19, 9 minutes full stage. This is one of the best closing acts we have had in a long time is full of life and got lots of laughs and gave the show a good lively windup.

Morris’ Ponies

2 shows. 17 min. full stage. A capital act of its kind. I think it is more interesting for juveniles than any other sort of an animal turn. In the last place in the bill, next to the biograph, it held the audience excellently, although the original schedule had been over run some 15 min.  

Winschermann’s Bears

They did some very clever work indeed and never having played a trained bear act it was watched with close interest and received very considerable applause.

Milly Capell

An exceedingly pretty woman who performs with a troup of trained dogs and a horse. Considered from a picturesque viewpoint this act a “blue ribbon” winner; from an artistic standpoint it contains nothing new or novel. 10 minutes full stage.

Harry Howards’s Ponies

Exterior. Full stage. 25 minutes. One of the handsomest dressed acts of its kind and most amusing in vaudeville. Ponies exceedingly well trained. Introduces some dogs and monkies that make lot of laughter. Whole act goes big.  

Techow’s Cats

2 shows. 12 minutes. Full stage. This act, the equal of which there is none other in the country, was applauded all through. I note that he has several new animals, and additional tricks since he was last here, which, by the way, was at the time of the White Rats strike, he being one of those who went out. I think the act is one that should remain a fortnight.