
12 min – Special set – And her horse, in living art studies. The horse poses perfectly. Nearly every picture was applauded. The waits between the poses were unusually long, and this had a tendency to make the audience restless. Will go better to-night.

De Van Brothers and their Dog

This is a clever little novelty. The acrobatic work of the man in itself does not amount to a great deal but the introduction of the Dog, and a lively finish with the canine, makes the act go very well. May be classed as good. 7 min. in three.


Introducing her statue horse in a series of pictures. The act went fully as strong, if not stronger than last week and somehow seemed to look better. This may be on account of the horses having become more familiar with his surroundings, but he seemed to hold his poses better this afternoon than he did last week. There is still considerable room for improvement in the stage settings, but everything has been done that could be except getting him a new outfit, which, of course, is out of the question for he would not pay for it. I feel, however, that we are noticing her discrepancies much more closely than the audience. 10 minutes, full stage.

Doherty’s Poodles

NH 3 – These are the same poodles formerly worked by Ed Doherty, who died about a year ago. They are now handed by his widow, and they somehow seemed to me to go much better this afternoon than I ever saw them before even when Doherty was handling them himself. They obey her perfectly, and being so diminutive they appeal especially to the ladies and the children, and, taken as a whole, it was a very acceptable act. 16 minutes, full stage.


MHR – Nirvana and her thoroughbred trained stallion in a series of tableaus that are about all reproductions of well-known paintings. The horse is really a beautiful animal and the posing required is really extraordinary. The woman is quite pretty and of fairly good form, and, while the act did not call for a great amount of applause during its presentation, it got a tremendous hand at its close, and I think will be an exceedingly attractive novelty for the circuit. The scenery used is just a little bit worn and shabby, and the act is not presented quite as well as it might be. However, I am inclined to think that it is a turn which will be more thoroughly appreciated by the evening audience than that of the afternoon. 12 minutes, full stage.

The De Vans

ER 3 – Two men in an acrobatic act introducing also a little black and tan dog who displays a great deal of intelligence. He works with the men and seems to have a thorough understanding of everything that is required of him. The men are quite clever acrobats, and the whole act is a very strong one for an opener. 8 minutes, full stage.

Apdale’s Animals

13 min. F.S. This is a very superior children’s act. The animals consist of bears, monkeys, dogs of various breeds and a trained ant-eater. Act is well dressed and well presented. Some of the feats are remarkable and have never been seen here before. Has much improved since it was here last. Closed with the chariot race. Finish big.

Dunbar’s Goat Circus

The goat that plays the part of clown comedian is clever and the act is good to open any show. Full stage.

Gruber’s Animals

Huge elephant, horses and pony. 12 minutes, full stage. A splendid act which closes the show elegantly.

Techow’s Cats

16 min. full stage – Several improvements since it was here last and is easily the greatest act of its class in the business. Personally, I doubt very much, so far as Boston is concerned, at least, if we could present any animal act that would be any possibility be any stronger. It especially appeals to the women and children in the afternoons.