Lady Alice’s Pets

“Tiny Tots of Animaldom in Cute and Cunning Capers” – Composed in this act are dogs, cats, rats, pigeons and rabbits; but the act is principally with the rats, which seem to be at her command. 11 min. full stage; went only fair.

Carlile’s Miniature Circus

Two ponies, including Tom, the Famous Talking Pony, and Eight Dogs; two people, men, 15 min. full stage; special drops. Went good.

May Elinore & Violet Carleton

  In their nonsensical nonsense – one takes a straight and the other a comedy part – imitating various animals, barnyard fowl and a monkey, in a comedy way – 16 min. in one.

Meehan’s Leaping Dogs

18 minutes fs. Garden set. Meehan has built up the finish with the leaping dogs until he has the whole house worked up over the high jumps. The dogs work as if they enjoyed it, and not as if they were afraid of the trainer. An ideal act for this spot. A hit.

Merian’s Swiss Canines

“The Territorials Quartered.” 12 min. One of the very best animal novelties on the stage. The dogs go through their little play without help from any one on the stage and there is plenty natural comedy in the act. It was a big hit.

Techow’s Cats

A number of wonderful cats in no doubt the best act of its kind in the business. Well trained. Man and woman on stage cats taking their cue from woman. Went good.

Thiessan’s Dogs

The kind of act that people do not like because it smacks of cruelty; lifting the dogs by their hinds legs, etc. If that part of the act was cut out, there would be nothing left. Besides, the dogs don’t work well and seem to be very much afraid of the trainer. 11 minutes Full stage.

Girard’s Monkeys

A very wonderful act. The precision and unison with which the two monkeys do the trapeze work is about the best I every saw in any animal act. This act should be played everywhere. 10 minutes. Full stage.

Alf W. Loyal’s Dogs

10 min. A very well trained troupe of poodles handled by a man and woman in a very showy and nicely staged act. The dogs do an excellent routine of tricks with some comedy injected and the act made an excellent closing number.

Maxini and “Bobby”

12 Min. Full Stage. A thoroughly artistic act that held the audience to the finish, closing very strong.