Hassan Ben Ali’s Toozoonin Arabs

The greatest act ever brought to this country and a sensation here at every performance. All of the newspapers today pronounce it marvellous. Audiences at every performance fairly go wild over it, full stage 9 minutes.

Robert Fulgora

The Transfigurator. Fulgora’s changes are done in a remarkably quick time and get considerable applause but I do not think his characters are as well selected as they were last year. He carries considerable stage setting, works in full stage, time of act 22 minutes.

Ford & Wilson

Two fairly good black face comedians who introduce some eccentric dancing and with several changes of costume seem to god quite well with the audience. This act could work entirely in one but am using them to open the show this week giving them full stage and close in one, time of act 16 minutes.

Tenbrooke, Lambert & Tenbrooke

A very good comedy and musical act in which there is some very good singing. Lambert is an exceptionally good piano player and violinist. Full stage, 17 minutes, closing in one for 3 minutes.

Dave Edelle

This is a little Buffalo boy who sings coon songs quite well and whom we had to press into service on Tuesday in order to set the show, as the National Trio was so bad that we cancelled them after the first performance. There was no apparent reason for the National Trio being on the stage although they had a lot of scenery and tried to give a picturesque act, and the audience were going out asking where the joke came in. Little Dave is on for 6 minutes and does fairly well.

Mme. Melich’s Birds

These birds are as well trained as any we have ever seen and would go much better were it not for the fact that Rosa Naynon was here last week and gave a much bigger show, although her birds were not so well trained. Full stage, 12 minutes.

Jordon and Harvey

A fair talking and singing act, are not going very good here. All in one. 12 min.

Robert Leraine & Co.

Presenting “A Little Tragedy at [illegible]”. It is very prettily staged but for the rest of it can say but very little. Full stage, 26 min.

Newsboys Quartette

Their singing is very good, the comedy bad (we had them cut it out). All in one. 12 min.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy

They are doing their same old sketch, does not seem to go with our audience. Full stage, 21 min.