Man and woman, comedy sketch “The Cowboy Courtship” no singing, lot of rough work, went very good with the audience, don’t think much of it myself. 15 minutes interior.
Descriptive singer, popular selection, parodies, a fine singer, 10 minutes in one, went big.
6 men whirlwind acrobats and tumblers, plenty of good stuff, lively, 8 minutes full stage exterior, WENT BIG.
Trick Violinist, imitations and trick playing, imitations very good and trick playing hard to beat, 12 minutes in one. Italian character. WENT BIG.
2 colored men, talking act finishing with burlesque boxing while dancing, their talking is very funny and the finish is a scream, 10 minutes in one, went big.
Singing and dancing act, nicely dressed several changes, good singing, good dancing, 10 minutes C.D.F. went big.
Man and woman with horse and colored care taker. High school horse. Bee Ho Gray shows his skill with the lariat and is a fine talker. Act went very good.
A Co. of eight men and women in a singing, dancing and musical offering. Pretty set. Poor singers. Poor dancers. Comedy fair. The two musical numbers on musical instruments good. This offering at the present time is “A Lemon” and will never make good. Look like amateurs. Went fair.
Man and woman blackface comedy skit introducing a film, some dancing for a finish. Good line of comedy. Went good. 16 min. In one.
Man and woman in comedy skit “The Cabby and the Fare.” Man makes entrance from front asking woman for his money for driving her to the theatre. Comedy talk and some singing. 15 min. Went well.