Henry Clive
Billy Gaston and Ethel Green
Miss Green has an agreeable personality and looks well in both her costumes, the former being designed to set of the voluptuous curves of her figure.
Jack Ross
Siddon Brothers
he wears an excellent suit of comedy clothes, built in the fashion much in vogue six or seven years ago. A celluloid collar of mirror-like polish goes with this.
James B. Donovan and Rena Arnold
Miss Arnold makes a change of costume, wearing two tasteful dresses,
The Gotham Trio
Horizontal Bars
Both are in comedy makeup.
There has been no change in the act excepting a pretty new pink dress for Miss Von Kanfman, who as not alone provided a new costume, but has everything in sight to harmonize, even to slippers.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam King
and the woman wears a dressy gown, cut decollete.