Playing without makeup Morton as an Irish comedian was a noisy one.
The heiress (Althea Brown) returns home intent upon suicide after waiting in vain at the altar for the bridegroom who was to have been. She orders dynamite, carbolic acid and a gun, and then decides to sing a song and die happily. If she had used the life destroyer first it would have been more considerate of her. Jimmy Baxter (John Freeman), a bellboy, refuses to allow the heiress to die, and is immediately voted by the heiress and himself a hero.
A good clean tramp makeup and two well-executed fast dances are Frank Dunn’s best.
She has a pleasing presence and style, but is not giving her personal appearance sufficient attention, either in make-up, costuming or dressing her hair. Miss Moore’s face on Tuesday evening seemed to have had rouge placed on each side, extending in a circle from her eyebrows to mouth and ear.
Miss Buckley looked charming in her part of the fiancee, and Henry Buckler, the third member of the company, passes indifferently.
The girls are pretty, but dress in poor taste.