J.H. Cullen

12 minutes. One. Sings some good songs and makes a hit. His appearance is not very good, but his voice and style of singing are good. Cut out all his talk after Monday Matinee, as much of it belongs to Joe Flynn.  

Elfie Far and Show Girls and Chappies

16 minutes. Full stage. Show girls and Chappies from Mrs. Osborn’s Playhouse headed by Elfie Fay. Six very pretty lively girls and six men. Make one change of costume. Could be made a very good act but lack proper rehearsing, and girls and men have not enough to do. Elfie Far makes a big hit with her “mugging”, etc. in singing “the Belle of Ave. A”, and this saves the act. The men are no use in the act.  

Geo. B. Alexander

16 min. opens in 1, then to his own drop in 2. Sings songs and tells gags made up as a tramp. Has good voice and fairly good material; then to his church scene, where he does recitation leading up to “New Born King”. His wife scene in church in white robes singing. Act goes well and is something of a novelty.