Jim Coveney
Wayburn’s Attractions
Tells the story of a ten year who is seeking her lost cat with the help of an elephant, a dog, a parrot, and a mule.
Clifford and Burke
Welch, Francis and Company
Commencement Day
Miss Snyder makes two changes of costume before locating her relative. In the first, after her entrance, she is a boy ; the second the stunning girl once more.
Lulu Beeson
Miss Beeson makes her appeal directly through dancing. She is a clever wooden shoe dancer, but can hardly uphold a single turn in this department alone.
Binns, Binns and Binns
The use of the everlasting seltzer syphon, although they use this trick in a new way and make it good for laughs.
Daly and Devere
Carlin and Otto
Neither goes to extreme of grotesque makeup, the only similarity to the old style dress being in the padded front of one.