The Carson Brothers

As they dress in white and are enclosed in a black background the acrobatic work would give the “statue” effect without the postures

Julia Sanderson

a small boy, dressed in faithfyl representation of a “Teddy Bear,” who did a ridiculously clumsy dance. She wears a white lace frock and quite the biggest, fluffiest white had imaginable.

The Halfback Tavern

Mr. Vokes makes an entrance via a dog house set upon the stage. There is a young girl in the act named Maud Dunn. She has two changes of costume, besides the same number of songs, and does a neat little dance.

Gaston and Green

Miss Green wears a sweater and she should look at a photograph of herself in it.

Henri French

Some poor magic and some fair juggling with a comedy flavor and a trick bicycle stunt.