Several difficult tricks are shown
in hand balancing, contortion and strong
The act was seventeen minutes long on the full stage.
Kinkaid wears “Scotch kilts” and juggles as the orchestra plays highland music. He does some light juggling with comedy and then changes to fleshing and does some heavyweight juggling.
James Harrlgan worked without ‘make-up or apparatus,
his trunks arriving too late. He did
a monolog which made good.
The act was sixteen minutes long.
Evans and Vidocq have a routine of talk and songs. Vidocq performs as the straight in white face and Evans acts in blackface. They use a song to open and close the act.
The act was twelve minutes long.
A man and a stylish tall blonde open with comedic talk, which is full of puns. The woman begins the act in a white suit and changes to a pretty pink dress.