Three men in blackface sing, banter, and dance.
The act was eighteen minutes long. The “monolog consists of a railroad ticket agent plying his vocation and the conversations between the agent and the prospective passengers.” Coon songs are also sung.
The act was twelve minutes long. Two men “play concertinas, discs on marble slab, guitar, zithers swung to and fro in a comedy way,” and a xylophone built as a skeleton.
The act entitled “The Commercial Man” was seventeen minutes long. A son and his girlfriend try to con the son’s father (a prosperous drummer).
The act was sixteen minutes long. “The man and woman are clean-cut, neat workers of the cross-fire singing and dancing type”. They sing a comic song about a sea captain. They also perform give and take gags.
The act was twelve minutes long. The stage was set with illuminated pedestals. The men enter in evening dress and eventually strip to tights. The heavier man lifts a pedestal while the smaller performs a handstand on top.
The act was fourteen minutes long. Two girls open with a simple song accompanied by violin. The singer wears a rose coloured dress while the violinist wears velvet knickerbockers and a white blouse. The singer showed a “desire to dance” while to violinist was motionless.
He performed with 30 subjects on stage.
She does impersonations of different nationalities, including a Swedish bit. She wears bucolic make up.