Comedy acrobatic act.
The girl is a dandy little dancer, however, working hard and willingly, possessing a certain amount of likeableness. She dresses nicely, making three changes. The boy also dresses well.
Three fox terriers comprise the troupe.The trainer is a good looking chap, foreigner likely, at least he has a foreign look.
Elaborate and expensive costumes for the full female cast. Only one man is in the cast for filler.
Between the aerial flights, the two women prance about, first a Geishas, and later, as they strip down in the clothing department, as what their suits at the moment may indicate they are.
A lattice with a rope. The girls cling to the ropes by their teeth, and are swung into the air by the steel piece being run up on the role. In sining, they are not raised high, nor whiled over fast, though Monday night at the American was their first show.
Miss York has four numbers, each one good.
Miss York is a brunette, changes quickly for each number, appearing at the final one in grotesque dress.
They seem to have taken Yorke and Adams for a pattern, with one favouring Joe Welch more than either of the other two.