Joe Boganny’s Troupe

The outfit has enough startling material to furnish acts for half a dozen turns. Everyone is a crack tumbler and they have a faculty of rushing into their tricks and getting away in wonderfully short time. One scarcely has time to catch his breath before another startler has robbed him of it again.

The Three Rohrs

After the motor cycle sensations, the “loop-the-loop” on the footdriven machine is not much of a startler, but the process of revolving the saucer-track while the rider is in motion gives it interest, and there was no one in the audience who did not pay strict attention. The early feats were rather tame.

Al H. Weston and Irene Young

The pair won a good percentage of laughs from their talk and business, and Miss Young’s dancing did the rest, setting them down as a highly popular number.