Two Hedders

The midget, or perhaps a boy, is a trifle taller than either of the Pantzer’s little fellows. The new couple dress in ordinary street clothing.
The couple does some hand and head balancing, with no new tricks, except a brief routine of fast handling.
The man appears to be an American, though flashing a foreign touch now and again, as though he has studied the Pantzers. Many of the tricks shown were first performed by Willy Pantzer. The other tricks recall the Bellclairs, as does the incidental music. The act looks funny with the full grown man handling the midget, especially after equally mated teams have been around doing the same tricks. However, the speed of the act is desirable. While they couldn't do much on a bill where the Pantzers had shown. Elsewhere the act could fit in, particularly on the big small time.
Variety 24:3 (09/23/1911)