Tiger Lilies

The opening piece, "A Hot Night in the Rockies," has nothing particularly new or funny. Jack Mathews' (who wrote the piece) idea of humor in this piece at least, goes no further than shooting blank cartridges. The "Billy Watson" and 'George P. Murphy" bits brought the most returns. Watson's "Salvation Army" number was given in full. Murphy's "Harden House" was exceedingly well done. "The Cubanola Glide." led by two choristers, was snappily put over. Sam Mann plays to S'pencer in both pieces; as a Hebrew in the opening, and as the "George P. Murphy" "Dutchman" in the burlesque. Marty S. Ward does a good bit as a foolish "kid" in the opening, Al Paterson is the "bad man," responsible for most of the shooting in the first part. Charles E. Reded puts up a nice "straight" for Spencer in the burlesque. Mae E. Hadley is the only woman principal.
Variety 15:13 (09/04/1909)