Thomson and King

Nut comedy.
One chap's a living example of beef on the hoof and other animated parts of his anatomy. Much fatter than Roscoe Arbuckle and probably could loan a few pounds to the other champ fat boys and then have some -to spare by way of comparison. Lined-up with him in the present turn is a short, very short-legged and short-bodied man of undoubted Lilliputian origin. Idea from the start is to make contrast in sizes good for a comedy impression. Succeeded through talk, songs and rough stuff by physical contact between the two bodies in making the Jefferson audience the last half of last week think the combination was there for funmaking purposes. Both men are understood to be former parts of the Misfit Trio, a former vaudeville combination. They can't sing and their talk needs comedy worth, yet when they pounce upon each other and rough it up, then the results are there, especially in the pop houses.
Variety, 54:6 (04/04/1919)