“The Red Fox Trot”

"The Red Fox Trot," with three people, »as the sketch. It made a smashing comedy number. There is no visible reason why this act should have ever left the big time. It is satirically humorous, has a real laugh very often, and with three people can not be expensive. For ridiculing the dance craze and silly, wives nothing better has been nor could be placed upon a stage. The young man playing the cissified fox trot bug is a wonder at it, so good, the upstairs almost went after him in merriment. The young woman in the sketch is one of the most girlish girls the vaudeville has ever owned. She should not change her mannerism one bit, nor her walk. If she can act at all, there should be an ingenue role waiting for her somewhere. She is so pretty and nice that you could almost sigh for some of the others. The contrast between the cissy and the husband is too pronounced. Both seem too far away from the girl.
Variety, 54:12 (05/16/1919)