The Cracksman

The "gentleman burglar" in pursuit of his vocation conies to the apartments of one Richard Cavendish to lift a $50,000 diamond, which the careless Cavendish leaves unprotected in his study. He is interrupted in his burgling by the entrance of .Miss Kraggs (Louise Orendorf), a low- class sneak thief. The "gentleman burglar" poses as the owner of the establishment and forces the girl to look for the gem. Meanwhile in looking over an evening paper the "gentleman burglar" learns that he has been discovered and exposure awaits him. Being thus "caught with the goods," he seeks to extract a promise from the girl that she will lead a better life, and in this process learns that she is his “chee-ild.” Whereupon there are more heroics and the curtain falls upon the pair, hand in hand, “going away from there.”
Miss Orendorf handles her role with a certain amount of skill, but Buhler is stagy and artificial to a degree that makes "The Cracksman" utterly unconvincing.
Variety 10:2 (10/12/1907)