Stunning Grenadiers

Eight women.  Scene first:-“The Officer’s Quarters,” showing the girls as soldiers, singing, marching, etc.  Scene 2;-“ the Purple Palace”, with the grenadiers juggling batons, singing, etc.  Scene 3;-“Art Nouveau-Les Cymbals”, with the girls singing and playing the cymbals.  Finale;-“The Musician Directeurs Excentrique.”  Between the various setting Mlle. Flor D’Allias and Miss Meredith Meredro singing alternately.  Act is handsomely staged.  The costumes are gorgeous with all elegant scenery.  Girls make five changes.  Their appearances are elegant and their voices good.  Act has an atmosphere of novelty to it.  Brings up the tone of the bill being so far from anything else we ever had.  All of the various characters were applauded and with big applause on the finish.  27 min
Keith-Albee managers' report book, February 4-September 9, 1907