Silver, Duval and Kirby

Singing, violin playing and rube comic dialogue.
Silver, Duval and Kirby, two men and a woman, offer a rather disconnected chop suey. One of the men, in rube makeup, comes out in one with the girl, charmingly dressed and beaucoup ingenue, and they deliver a few gags. The girl laughs at each gag. Her laugh is hearty, contagious and irresistible, and the come-back of the audience is due not so much to the gag as to her laugh. After the scene in one the act goes to two, With some odd bits of furniture slapped in front of an Interior house drop, and the third member of the act, in hick boy costume, comes out. He is. the singing member, and his voice is powerful and sympathetic. He sings "Friends" to a lot of applause, and that about concludes the act, the dialog being irrelevant and inconsequential. For an encore the boy and girl harmonize on a ballad, with the rube playing a violin accompaniment; the accompaniment is drowned by the orchestra, and from the way it's done it would appear that the violin part of the act is just rung in to make it hard.
Variety, 54:13 (05/23/1919)