While on the stage, she is barefooted, and it seems that the only articles of clothing worn are a skirt and waist. Even with this light attire, Mrs. Shekla is careless, and the desire of the skirt to separate from the waist is given no notice by her.
In his own country (India), Shekla^ known as a "Hindoo Fakir," must be a comedian. With a scant knowledge of English, acquired while playing in Eng- land, the Oriental is making lots of fun this week on his first appearance by his talk and antics. He keeps up a running comment, and may be directing his wife and boy, who are on the stage with him. Shekla is an exceptional conjurer, doing several tricks not before seen in this country, but the comedy of the act is quite as Important.
Were it properly dressed, with an Oriental interior, and had some style to it, Shekla would have become more important immediately. He is a big card for vaudeville, and could be made the drawing feature of a road company, for variety or the legitimate. There is no correct gauge to the time of each performance at Hammerstein's . Shekla does what he wants to, and when he is through Mike Simons "rings down," but Mr. Simons is never sure when the magician will stop. For interest and amusement, few foreign acts have equaled this Indian. A mistake at the opening was to have Shekla give the "basket" trick lor the finish. It is a slow and cumbersome piece of business as performed by the Hindoo and his weighty wife. It is als
Variety 7:4 (07/27/1907)