Includes Bob Van Osten, Margie Ryan, Hazel Rice, Miss Coral, Harry Evens, Grace Celeste, Daisy Harcourt and Capitola Snyder. Group performances included The Lyric Quartet, Savan and Warren, and The Moran Sisters.
"An unusual arrangement was that of having only one woman principal in support of the comedian.
When a burlesque show can get
along without any women principals then
there must be something most extraordinary
elsewhere in the organization. That
something does not develop in "The Serenaders."
"A Night at the Carnival" the
action takes place outside the main entrance
of a circus tent.
"Gee I wish I had a girl" Performed by Margie Ryan and Hazel Rice.
"A Trial for Fair", a burlesque
"Yama Yama", a burlesque by Miss Coral, Van Osten and Harry Evens
Savan and Warren performed an acrobatic piece.
The Lyric Quartet sang.
"Van Osten is not consistently funny.
In fact, in the opening piece there is hardly a laugh coming.
Variety 13:4(01/02/1909)