Both girls change clothes. There is a novelist attempt when the elder strips off a gown in sight of the audience. It could have been accomplished off the stage, as far as effect goes. For the finale, the elder woman appears in eccentric make-up.
In order for the "sister act" to be successful, they should re-frame their turn. The elder woman "hogs" the act. When she is not "hogging" it in action, she is by her voice, which, at the best, should be reserved for speaking purposes only. After what seems like a interminably long time on the stage alone, with her own idea of "Swaunee River," the young girl finally returns with "Dances of all Nations." Some money has been spent on wardrobe. Had a portion of it been given to a stage manager, the girls would have left a better impression.
Variety 24:3 (09/23/1911)