Runaway Girls

"The Gheezer of Gullabaloo" is the piece offered. The first act takes place off in Gullabaloo, a mythical island. Just what it is all about probably only Thos. T. Railey, who wrote the book and lyrics, knows. Also includes Jack Reid, Ed Manny, Frank Wakefield, Joe Perry, Pauline La Conda, Ella Reid Gilbert. Winfred Stewart and Lillian Thelma Alton figured only in a small way.
The house was as quiet as a well regulated church assembly after each number. At times not a single "hand" greeted the well meaning efforts of the chorus. One number only got a legitimate encore, a bathing song given late in the second act with Rose Estelle at its head.
Is an old comic opera idea any better than the old burlesque idea? After watching the Clark show the answer is plainly "No." The action is slow and draggy, without life to the numbers; very, very few bright lines and the comedy never does get a chance. This cannot be blamed on the players, for it would be impossible for anyone to get away with the heavy burdensome material.
Variety 15:14 (09/11/1909)