Ruby Raymond and Fred Heider

Fred Heider, a tall, angular youth with a pair of legs that should eventually land him somewhere better than the third spot at Hammerstein’s, for a brief moment showed a flash of ecetric dancing from that threatened to put his turn up among the big hits, but the flash was brief and the balance of the act lacked the required kick and class. The opening, showing Heider and Miss Raymond as street urchins wondering how they can make the amateur show, is very much “small time” and gives the pair a weak start. Following is some dancing and a character song by Heider that is still more convincing of undeveloped talent. The girl dances well, but the turn is shaped wrong for best results. Heider will bear watching, but requires direction and material. Through hard work the couple pulled a fair share of applause at Hammerstein’s under hard circumstances, the handicap of the spot being obvious.
Variety, Volume XXXVI, no.4, September 26, 1914