That is Abe Leavitt's "Rentz-
Santley" the oldest in the business.
After thirty-nine years according to report,
the show is paying $100 weekly for
permission to exploit the most valuable
name in burlesque, and one that means
money to every house it appears in.
Matt Woodward wrote the pieces. The
first is "Gay Monte Carlo," with a toy
roulette wheel as the only gambling prop
in the exterior setting. The burlesque is
"Teddy in the Jungle". Featuring Snitz Moore, Beattie Evans, Isabel Miller, Daisy Melton, the Raymond Sisters (who delivered "I've Lost My Girl"), Harry Sanber, Lew Freeman, the two Van Der Koors, and Dottie King.
Variety 16:8 (10/30/1909)