Raymond Bond & Co

In a sketch “Story Book Stuff”. In a very unusual setting, Mr. Bond is giving a very unusual act. It is one of the best sketches we have had in a long time. Plenty of comedy; it is in a new idea and it is well played. Because of the fact that Mr. Bond was a member of our stock Company, the supposition might arise that he made good in Providence for that reason; that is not the fact, our audience expect more from our sotck people than they would from any regular vaudevillians and that would tend to make it more difficult for Mr. Bond than otherwise. In spite of this the act was thoroughly successful, both as to securing laughs and applause. I consider it a thoroughly worth while act and one that should be played, 22 min. full stage.
University of Iowa, Keith Albee Collection, Managers' report book June 30, 1919- July 26, 1920.